Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The sale sign is up and we are ready to go...Literally Ready to GO!

Almost up North

It’s just days away from putting the house on the market.  The last 6 months have been a whirlwind for me.  Getting the house ready was only one aspect.  The other was that my plans for a 62 retirement age were thwarted by new management who has so graciously let me keep my job even if I move out of state.  I do work entirely from home with the occasional visit to the office for a meeting.  I also feel more in touch with this new management even though they are interim.  And the team of nurses that remains is steadfast, secure and patient oriented.  I find some of the things that I missed creeping back into our practice.  It’s a kinder gentler management.  Now don’t get me wrong the old managers had many, many good things that they brought to the table.  I believe that we are going to keep most of those policies but I also feel that we are going to be building on them as well. As always in the world of medicine everything is always evolving. Only the future will tell.

 But retirement is on the backburner for now.  I have too many things to pay for in the new home. If there is one thing that I learned about homes, from the ones that I have sold, it’s that fixing them the way you want them to be should not happen 6 months before you are selling your home.  In the last 4 years we updated our kitchen, got new floors and carpet for the first floor, updated our powder room and completely redid both our bathrooms.  Someone else is going to enjoy all my work!  

Not so with the up north house!  We have four things that are definitely on my wish list of things to do.  One is The lower level kitchenette.  I want a Hot tub and a Dock.  And a little repair/enlarging of the Deck would suit me just fine.  I think I will get all these wishes granted…I hope!